• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 16, 2019

    Football Manager - "Wormtongue wants improved deal for K. Théoden following his impressive display in Rohan's humiliating 0-4 defeat vs. Isengard."

    Football Manager - "Wormtongue wants improved deal for K. Théoden following his impressive display in Rohan's humiliating 0-4 defeat vs. Isengard."

    "Wormtongue wants improved deal for K. Théoden following his impressive display in Rohan's humiliating 0-4 defeat vs. Isengard."

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    Never had anyone threaten to murder one of my regens before...

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 02:24 AM PDT

    We did it boys!!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    When you ask yourself how did you suffered a comeback.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 06:00 AM PDT

    Free agents are life

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    Solid business by City

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    Took charge of Dortmund in October and they had a transfer budget of 250m euros. Bought all the best regens in the world.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    Max regens in small countries experiment

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 04:48 AM PDT

    Max regens in small countries experiment

    Hello all,

    I am new in this (reddit and this community) so I am not sure if there is a special format for this kind of this but I wanted to share a little experiment that I've done, I hope it is ok.

    The IDEA

    I wanted to know if top quality regens could change a league (and a national team, although this part is quite obvious), what would be their ceiling and how long would it take them to be in the top (if they reach it). As I have the editor purchased, I only needed to set the regen generation to 200 for each country selected.


    I've chose two countries: Iceland and Switzerland. The idea was to have a medium tier league, with already a decent position (Swiss League) and a really low tier league (Icelandic League). I have simulated 100 years in advance (until the end of season 2118/2119). I have also added the Spanish, French, English and German league so they are also represented correctly and the top tier is not faked. I haven't changed any other parameter.


    - League Ranking.

    In the year 2119 the icelandic League is (very unexepectedly) ahead of the swiss league. This is not really a representative year because for the most part of the 100 years the suiss league has been seventh (italian and portuguese ahead) and the icelandic has moved between eigth and thirteenth. It is worth noting that the swiss league took less than 10 years to reach the first ceiling (seventh) and has only surpassed for a few years in the whole simulation while the icelandic league took about 45 years to reach that first ceiling but has surpassed it a little bit more. None has reach anytime the fouth place.


    - Cup Rankings

    This is quite curious. The swiss cup reached the second place very early and finally surpassed the FA Cup before 40 years in. Since then their first place has been fixed. As for the Icelandic cup, it has only reached the top 10 after 90 years in.


    - Teams perfomance in European Cups

    • Champions League

    Neither the Swiss teams or the Icelandic Teams have been able to win the Champions League.

    For Iceland, Valur Reykjavik reaching the quarter finals once has been the best national result in season 2115/2116:


    For Switzerland, Young Boys have reached three times the quarter finals but never more. The first time the did it whas in season 2047/2048:


    • Europa League

    In this case, for Switzerland, Young Boys won the the cup in the season 2077/2078, it has been the only time a swiss team has reached the final:


    For Iceland the top result has been semifinals, reached by both Valur Reykjavik (3 times) and FH Hafnarfjordur (once), the first one being in season 2097/2098:


    - Clubs Situation

    In global, The financial status is better for swiss teams that for icelandic ones, but the reputation is more equal:


    Funny to see how the Stadiums have evolved:


    National Teams:






    Only one Icelandic player has won the Ballon d'or award in the year 2117:


    As for the swiss.

    Martin Weirather has two, the first one in year 2103:


    Matteo Angelozzi one in year 2091


    Mathias Gauer one in year 2080


    And Francesco Sorrentino the first one in year 2074


    Edit 1:

    Biggest Transfers:

    For Iceland:


    For Switzerland:


    Overall (not sure if there is a better way to see it):



    It seems that even if the regens are top quality the top 4 leagues are impossible to reach for these small countries and that being it takes about a long time for a country to really produce consistently player that can compete for the Ballon d'Or, being this linked to the national league, because the 40 years advantage than the swiss league had has clearly translated into better results in the national team and in the individual awards.

    There's a link to the save:


    If you have any questions about the save, just ask.

    submitted by /u/TyAndTheSea
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    Fans : We love him. Board : We dont care

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    One of the best free kicks I've seen from my 20 free kick/20 technique regen

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 09:22 PM PDT

    I hate my luck

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 03:23 AM PDT

    What a fucking assist

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 04:43 AM PDT

    Finally a table with which I could get some upvotes on reddit! One gameday left

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 07:50 PM PDT

    Transfer fees in modern football have gotten out of hand

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    F.C Reddit United - The (re)birth of a European super club

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    Recently made a post asking for players to build a custom team with out of users of this subreddit, this is the resulting story of their exploits together in game.

    I wasn't sure where in the world to start for this club and it's easier just to replace another team so I figured even Leeds United fans probably wouldn't miss their team and the championship seems a good place to start so that's what we've done.

    Leeds United have been removed and F.C Reddit United will take their place. There's a few minor changes but for the most part it's the same club with different players.

    A few notes before we begin:

    • This database turned out to be a pretty hefty undertaking, there's over 3500 changes and that means there is inevitably going to be mistakes, those might be small mistakes like you may end up inadvertantly being the mysterious third Neville brother or it might be a huge mistake like you're registered to play for a completely different country than you asked for, I can only apologize for that.
    • I'm going to be taking the backseat for most of this management lark, I might bring you into my office to shout at once or twice but for the most part the only thing I'm going to be fiddling with is the tactics, even the team selections I'm going to mostly leave up to my assman so I take no responsibility for anything that happens in this save.
    • With that in mind and given how large the team is, I can't guarantee you game time. If at any point you want to try your luck at another team, request a transfer in this thread and I'll do my best (again, I take no responsibility for how your player reacts to being listed)
    • Your stats are for the most part entirely random, I've tried to base you on real players to make it easier so you may pick up on who your base player was at some point but essentially, some of you are going to be hot prospects, some of you are going to be superstars right off the bat and the only thing that determined that was how generous I was feeling at the time, please don't be disappointed if it's not what you were hoping for.

    Unfortunately there are a couple of you who were missed out, you got in a little late but some honorable mentions:

    u/skrutty26 you're my assman if anything goes wrong, we're blaming you.

    u/JayR17 we're playing in your backyard, literally our stadium is named after your backyard

    u/Lemonshell and u/Ezuera I'm really sorry I'd already finished the database when I saw your messages, you can be our honorary mascots or if you ever feel like trying this yourself you're welcome to (:

    Without any more rambling lets get into it, I'll drop some screenshots in the next post just to start us off but tbh after all that editing I'm utterly beat but I'm banking on the fact most of you are also about to be asleep so games will start tomorrow.

    u/ChaoticArrow u/minaj27 u/BathCityRomans u/JD16_7 u/ja2317 u/BackpackingScot u/WbZz u/gazaldo7 u/Matek7627 u/LB924LYF u/caffiene_hound u/mikezarn u/Lenego123 u/THL1598 u/Surrealdoughnut u/gunnerladz u/pahasapapapa u/VenerabilisInceptor u/RagingRonoc u/meefjones u/NiallMitch14 u/orgy_eater u/LDKRZ u/Biiignick u/WapitiWopiti u/JackalMainOkay u/Danovan79 u/Tom_2171 u/paulyd191

    submitted by /u/Ikarus7c
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    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:22 PM PDT

    Imagine your player getting injured in their own testimonial match...

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    Reddit F.C - Who needs regens when you have redditors?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    Closing this off now, I'll get to work editing the database in about an hour or so once I've given the dog a quick walk and if all goes well we can start this off tonight, thanks for everybody who took part and if you didn't get chance to because of timing, I'm sure this will come up again sometime. (:

    First off, I know for a fact I'm stealing this idea from somebody, apologies for that. Previously I posted about my adventures editing myself into the game as a 14 year old wonderkid and simulating my career to see how it went (link to that thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/bvrkku/regen_to_regular_how_i_made_myself_the_next/)

    Unfortunately I never actually finished that story and ended up losing the save file but this time I want to try something different and open it up to all of you.

    So I'm going to edit in a team composed entirely of redditors and either simulate or try to manage them to glory.

    If you'd like to be a part of this, drop a post down below with the following:

    1. The name you'd like
    2. The shirt number you'd like
    3. The position you'd like to play
    4. A choice of 5 of the FM attributes you think your player should excel in
    5. Your nationality
    6. The age you'd like to be at game start.

    I reserve the right to change any and all of the above to help make this an actual team and ensure we don't end up with 11 super strikers and no goalie but I'm also open to suggestions on where in the world we should base this team and any other fun easter eggs I can potentially edit in.

    Updates will be posted as an when I have time but I'll try to keep them frequent, simulation will go on for as long as any of us are interested in it but I promise this time I'll at least get to a champions league final or similar.

    Anyone is welcome to join in on this I'll try to get you all in but otherwise I'm afraid it is a first come first serve basis.

    Good luck and lets hope I don't have to replace you all with child labor from the Americas.

    Edit: Going to leave this up for another hour or two and then close it and start to create the database, once that's done I'll post a new thread opening the story. A squad of 23 would be nice and we're currently sitting at 19, some positions we could do with some more cover in are: Another Goalkeeper and another Striker.

    submitted by /u/Ikarus7c
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    Greatest striker name ever? How can I not play this guy week in week out!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    What do you even do with a budget this size??

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    Man City getting FM'd first match of the 2019/20 Season

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 09:12 PM PDT

    [Handheld] I offered De Gea a position as goalkeeping coach. Through a small glitch,I could make him repeatedly go for gold license (usually you can do this once every 6 months) It is evident they want us to purchase the tutor here...

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 06:57 PM PDT

    Well played London clubs but I'm ready to strike back

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    Value of Argentinian players

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 08:43 PM PDT

    Since the winter update the value of players in Argentina has decreased a lot for some reason, they go for insane prices. Palacios, who used to cost a respectable 17 mil is now going for like 3. Has that happened to any of you?

    submitted by /u/srhola2103
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