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    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    Football Manager - Every time

    Football Manager - Every time

    Every time

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    My boy took his citizenship exam 1 min after finding out we have one too many foreigners. What a legend.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Totally didnt happen to me

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:42 AM PST

    Inspiration strikes at any time

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:56 AM PST

    This subreddit has become elitist

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:05 AM PST

    Take a moment to think about the speed we play FM and how it changes our perception

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:23 PM PST

    I was on who whoscored when I had a thought I wanted to share.

    I noticed that Salah and Firmino, two top players had scored less than a 7 rating in 3/10 and 2/8 games respectively (in fact one of Salah's was barely a 6 and firmino had an almost as poor game) yet these are two players at a club storming a league.

    So this got me thinking, if that happened on FM I'd potentially be tweaking my tactic thinking 'why can't I get them consistent' when in fact (from an admittedly small sample, though this conversation held up for quite a few more players) actually its normal but the speed I smash through on a season on FM gives me the false perception of inconsistency. If I played 8 games in single session, I'm left thinking 'well a quarter of the time they can't perform'.

    Same when we're thinking about top scorers. We might moan about 1 on 1 conversation and shooting from obscure angles (and I know the frequency of the former is being looked at), but if you take a step back and look at some (again small sample, I'm just a guy sat with 5 spare minutes) full season stats from last year's prem has Salah score 22 in 38 games. I've seen some people go ballistic at the idea their top scorer wouldn't find the net in 16 games, and that's the joint top. Mane and Aubameyang are a little better, they only didn't score in 14, but as you can imagine if that's the top of the top it only gets worse going down. If you look at shot conversion Salah only actually scored 23% of all shots, Mane 25% and Aubameyang a mighty 31%, but again if we had any player miss 7 or 8 shots out of 10 you'd be livid, let alone the leagues top scorers doing exactly that. Yet the speed were playing makes all these misses come quicker and therefore unrealistic in our memory (which is a lie).

    The season stats in the game don't look dissimilar but because we're consuming so many matches in a short space of time, our perception gets skewed.

    One final thought leads me to injuries. SI have repeatedly said injuries are less than real life (I think it's 80%) and yet we all complain about them. Because we're passing so much game time in a single session it seems like they're more prevalent then they are. And yes, we all have that frustrating moment when all the players from one position are wiped out but how often does that actually happen? I checked my current FM save, which is 5 seasons in, and it happened twice - both in the aftermath of the 2022 WC where I played a game every 3 days for 3 months.

    I'm sure this could be said for more things, or in more detail, but I just wanted to share my thoughts.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Ireallyamthisshallow
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    They finished bottom, 16% win ratio and he was manager of the year?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:13 PM PST

    They weren't exaggerating about this whole golden generation thing after all

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:14 AM PST

    Football Manager: A Star Wars Story, Episode 1

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:45 PM PST

    Football Manager: A Star Wars Story, Episode 1

    A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far Far Away...

    The beloved Galaxy Far Far Away has joined the ranks of European Football in an attempt to gain control over the Earthly sport. With a grand following, money galore, and unlimited power the new Galactic nation will quickly become the football mecca of the universe. There are 20 teams in the top division: the Galactic Football League. This story will follow the inner workings of some of the most powerful teams in the top division as well as some fan favorites as the season progresses.

    The teams have started the season without head coaches, so a first interest will be to see who lands which jobs. I wonder if the Chosen One, Jose Mourinho, will make his way to one of the clubs!

    In case you want a look at the 20 teams with their logos and jerseys, here is a link to the initial Reddit post. I have added a few things to the database since posting this at the recommendation of some of the commenters. 1) I have added both rivalries and derbies, 2) I have updated the teams' facilities to more or less match what you would expect to see with an established PL club while trying to keep a Star Wars feel for the ratings, and 3) edited the other income section to make sure the league will continue to bring in the money... hopefully, we might see some outrageous signings.

    In this first post, we will take a look at head coach appointments, incoming transfers, and Match Days 1-3. This will see us through until September 1st in our inaugural season. Let me know how the pace of this is going. I might sim through until the January transfer window in the next post and just hit the highlights of the first half of the season. Let me know!

    Notable Head Coach Appointments

    Unfortunately, Mourinho did not sign with anyone during this initial round of employment opportunities, but we did see some former PL managers make the jump to A Galaxy Far Far Away.


    The Rebels will be hoping for the David Moyes of Everton years and not the coach who saw Sunderland relegated in 2017. It seems to be a safe signing with some experience for a club looking to overthrow some of the most powerful teams in the Galaxy.

    Another former PL man signed with Alderaan Wanderers: Claudio Ranieri.


    He's taking charge of a team in flux after Alderaan was destroyed by the dreaded Empire. Hoping for a repeat of the legendary 2016 season with Leicester, Claudio will look to cause some upsets over the bigger, more established GFL teams.

    Speaking of the bigger clubs, here's who Empire FC, AC Jedi, and Coruscant signed as their first managers.




    Some surprises for sure! Other notable signings:



    Want to know the other head coaches? Drop a comment asking for the club and I'll reply with their signing.

    Incoming Transfers

    Here is the Galaxian transfer window roundup. It looks as though the dark side of the force is pulling away with the impressive signings.


    Here is the breakdown of all the transfers, sorted by fee. Again, Sith SC is outspending everyone. Roger Schmidt is not playing around! He's in this thing to win it all.


    Want to see a specific team's transfer history? Comment below with the team and the question, and I will post the picture in reply.

    Match Day 1


    A fairly dull day at the office, if you ask me. If the league continues like this, they will have a difficult time winner the earthly viewership away from the English Premier League. Inter Kashyyk had the best day away from home at Starkiller Base Memorial Stadium. They put 3 away against the First Order much to their chagrin. We also had a few rivalry games on opening weekend: AC Jedi vs. Empire FC and Dagobah United vs. Sith SC. The latter ended in a 2-1 away victory for the Sith at Yoda Memorial Stadium while the former ended in a 0-0 draw at the Jedi Temple in Coruscant.




    If you want to see any of the other game details, comment below with the team and I will post a reply!

    Match Day 2


    Inter Kashyyk, Sith SC, and Alderaan FC stay undefeated with wins against Dagobah United, Alderaan Wanderers, and Coruscant respectively. Those wookies are going to be tough to beat! They're channeling their inner Chewbacca and roaring their way to victory.

    In other games we had the inaugural Stormtrooper Derby which pitted First Order Stormtroopers against Stormtrooper United. Here's how it turned out:


    A real Football Manager treat! Stormtrooper United had 25 shots and 6 on target (seems about right for stormtroopers), but the FOST went 2 for 2 and Pedro Oliveria put one in the back of the net in the 40th minute. The FO Stormtroopers took the derby and the win at home. We'll have to see if there's any revenge when Stormtrooper United host them later in the year.

    Want to see any other game details from matchday 2? Post a comment and I'll reply back with the screen shot.

    Match Day 3

    Oh how the turn tables have turned - Michael Scot, and probably Mos Eisley. After being predicted to come in 17th, the Spaceport from Tatooine is holding their own through match day 3. But, Sith SC have used the dark side of the force and are showing their power.



    And so it begins...

    That's a wrap for Episode 1 of Football Manager: A Star Wars Story. Post some questions and I'll be glad to reply. I will try and have Episode 2 up by the weekend. Enjoy The Rise of Skywalker, and may the force be with you!

    submitted by /u/mr_odybedford
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    The Nothernmost Challenge - Part 1: Defenders in the North

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:13 AM PST

    Episode 0: Introduction to Alta IF - Mercatø Part 1

    In this episode: Jön Snöw settles in the great North, hires whatever staff he can find and the Alta IF squad discovers that you don't have to play well in order to win.

    Mercatø: Part 2

    The very first thing I do arriving in Alta is to tend to staff hires. Alta IF is dirt poor, fortunately most coaches sign either for free or a salary under 50€ per month for their part-time work. People who work for glory are my favourite.

    The scouts turn out to be more costly. I hire the maximum of 3 allowed by the board, for a total salary of around 1500€ per month, which is about all of the money I saved by sadly letting go of dutch striker Guyon Philips. I need these scouts to expand my knowledge of norwegian football as quickly as possible.

    Unfortunately for me, it seems that people who play in Norway already know where Alta is. Most of the free transfers I explore end up with this screen, which to me seems like free agents think that it's just too cold up there.

    Even more heartbreaking, one of my scouts finds me Conrad Wallem who looks like the perfect young player to convert into my main playmaker. Arendal, who play in the other division of tier 3, accepts my transfer offer for 2100€...But young Conrad also thinks that it's too cold in Alta, even though I was ready to offer him a King's ransom in salary. And when I say a King's ransom, I mean your average wage flipping meat for Burger King.

    Ultimately, I decide that the only spot in dire need of additional depth is my left-fullback. My scouts come up with Havard Mannsverk, who is a right fullback. Well, he can be trained. Most importantly, Mannsverk already played for Alta before being released in 2018, and has no qualms about going back to the Great North.

    That should be the extent of the moves we make, until I have a look at players about to leave on expiring contracts. Do note that the season in Scandinavia is inverted compared to the rest of Europe. Contracts end on the 31st of december. Eventually, this might also allow me to get agressive on the 6-months-expiring contracts in other countries as my own expiring contracts will clear right before the window opens.


    Pretty good results! We get ourselves three wins and a prestigious draw against Tromso, which should have been a win, save from a 90+3 minutes equalizer.

    Already, our main offensive threat is obvious: We've got pace. At this level of play, Nikolaisen (16/16) and Pedersen (14/14) can really punish defenders if they're given the space to do so. All three of our wins as well as the draw against Tromso were earned with counterattacks.

    The much weaker side of Bossekop did thwart us by parking the bus, leaving us very little space to play with. We simply do not have the personnel to break down even the worst defenses with creativity.

    As a result, I have decided to lower my defensive and pressure lines. While it's risky to let opponents get closer to our goal, I believe the added space created for my speedsters by drawing them in is worth it.

    Regular Season: First Half

    If it looks ugly but it works...Well it's still goddam ugly. Starting the season, I'm not sure if Jön Snöw is coaching a football team or a highly organized band of highway robbers. We are expected to finish 5th so we should be a rather strong side, but I've opted to play like we're some kind of hungry Nothern scavengers.

    I have taken the principles learned in our draw against Bossekop and applied them to my own team. Knowing that it's unlikely that third-tier norwegian sides can do anything against a packed up defense, and we have the pace up front to luck our way into the goal with some classic low-tier hoofballs, we'll be playing the counterattack regardless of the opposition's strength.

    Our first few games verify the soundness of our approach, with a nil-nil draw and three consecutive 1-0 wins on three hoofballs to either Pedersen or Nikolaisen. Our opponents routinely take 15+ shots at us in a game, none of them dangerous. Both Pedersen and our substitute Hammari seem able to put about 50% of their 1-on-1 in the back of the net, which is plenty. We are boring as hell and effective as fuck.

    This style also allows us to get ourselves to the third leg of the Norwegian cup, where we are unfortunate enough to meet our first Eliteserien opponent in an official game. We'll be facing Bodo/Glimt, who are on a winning streak in the first division. Unfortunately, they also have decently fast defenders. Despite our defensive solidity, the inevitable happens first on a corner, then on two superb shots from outside the box (cough cough). Nicolaisen took advantage of an awful clearance in the second half, and we are handed an honourable 3-1 defeat.

    Jön Snöw discover that Eliteserien defenders can catch up to superstar striker Mathias Pedersen (colorized)

    Three days later, we go up against the betting favourite for promotion this season in Asane Fotball, who we eliminated in the norwegian cup earlier. Unfortunately that means they come into the game with much fresher legs not having played in the cup. Despite this we look to steal yet another game, holding on a 1-0 lead from a (very debatable) penalty obtained early on. Things look even better when a (very not debatable) red card makes it an 11 against 10 affair. At this point, I make the grievous mistake of wanting to play more positively to take advantage of numerical superiority. Of course, we get punished by a hoofball counter. I feel as if I was stabbed with my own sword, and shall remember that lesson in hubris..

    Jön Snöw and his centre-backs vowing never to be tempted by playing offense again (colorized)

    Against Asker, we even have what I would define as the perfect half of Alta football in the first period. We shoot twice, we score twice (Pedersen and Nikolaisen, as it should be). Our opponent shoots eight times and doesn't score at all (final stats ). And just like that, we find ourselves at the top of the table after 6 games, still unbeaten.

    After a slip-up against Baerum with 2 goals given, we keep our pace and establish ourselves as the best defensive team in third tier norwegian football. The great thing about not taking goals, is that you don't lose games either.

    Somehow, we get our first player capped internationally! Our substitute goalkeeper and goalkeeping coach Maris Eltermanis celebrates his first ever cap for Latvia at a peachy 37 years old.

    At the midway point of the season, we are still on top of the table, in a hot contest with Baerum. Interestingly, our profiles could not be any different. Baerum are a flamboyant offensive side, who have chosen to seek wins by outgunning their opponents as evidenced by their impressive 33 goals scored in 13 fixtures. At the same time, the 21 goals they have given up alone are equivalent to all the goals scored during Alta fixtures (15 scored, 6 given up).

    In the details, we are also turning the Finnmarkshallen into a fortress with only a single goal scored by any opponent in our home. Truly, we are the defenders in the North.

    Jön Snöw looks upon Baerum's spectacular football with contempt (colorized)

    Regular season: Second part

    The second part of the season starts with a Mercatø that I won't expand on. Usually the midseason window is my favourite thanks to expiring contracts, but despite my activity no one seemed interested to travel north. I can't begin to explain how much I want to increase my scouting range at this point. I need those 16 years old rejects from the big academies!

    The only thing worth noting is that I used the mercato to resign every player in the starting squad and every substitute youngster (Plohhihh, Kravik, Gaup, Darwish, Nazari, Hammari) to contracts until 2020. It's only the right thing to do after such a good first half of the season and regardless of potential reinforcements, we will need them.

    The second part of the season seems to validate that choice, going pretty much the same way as the first. We do slip up on the road against Sotra, but their 4 shots on target converted into 2 goals feel slightly like we didn't get lucky. Lucks inevitably comes around, and a couple of weeks later we atomize Elverum 4 - 0 at home with only 6 shots on target.

    Worryingly, after scoring 5 goals in his first 7 games, Mathias Pedersen is now struggling, with only one goal in our last 8 fixtures. At the same time, youngsters Bilal and Mauno Johannessen are picking up the slack with some satisfying improvement from the latter.

    Our home stadium is still a fortress, and we chain together a satisfying series of wins. After 20 games out of 26, we are only two points ahead of Baerum at the top of the standings. Hence, after a 2-2 draw in Baerum during the first half of the season, our flamboyant enemies come to Finnsmarkhallen for what might be the most crucial game of our season.

    Jön Snöw defending against the offensive hordes of Baerum (colorized)

    The result is another 2-2 draw. I am...Miffed. On one hand both their goals were nonsense long-range crackers (cough cough patched cough cough), on the other we get paid welll for our 2 goals in 3 shots on goal. Overall, we keep a 2 points lead in the standings and I suppose that is all that matters.

    The remaining 5 games become something of a stroll. Baerum trips up in the next fixture by forgetting to defend in added time, while we keep winning in true Alta fashion. This gives us a 5 points lead to manage for the four remaining games.

    In the next one, we hurry Senja to relegation while Baerum gets demolished by Grorud.

    "Ooooh, your ultra-offensive team exploded during a crucial game? How unfortunate..."

    Soon enough, we get the points we need with two consecutive draws against Mjolner and Floro, capping it with a convincing final win against Fram Larvik!

    And just like that we are promoted to Obos-Ligaen!

    While this is not exactly unexpected, as going from predicted 5th to winner in such a low-tier is mostly due to having some degree of tactic fitting my personnel, I feel pretty happy. We finish as the best defense in our tier by far, which is a strong base to build upon for the future. We've even managed to dodge the uncertainty of the playoffs. I really hope Baerum will go through as well, as it would be a pleasure to trounce them again in Obos Ligaen next season.

    In the meantime I'll dive head first in my scouting and budget to try and present a side capable of holding on in Obos-Ligaen next year. If you have suggestions, I'm particularly looking for a goalkeeper, a new central defender and a right winger.

    Season Summary

    Final table: https://i.ibb.co/hCt9d2g/20191218201021-1.jpg

    Yearly schedule: https://i.ibb.co/sb5T1mw/20191218201111-1.jpg https://i.ibb.co/DPJf0fp/20191218201115-1.jpg

    Transfers: https://i.ibb.co/vHHnsBN/20191218201153-1.jpg

    Player of the season: Magnus Nikolaisen. I expected a lot of the veteran right-wing speedster, and he certainly has not disappointed. He really took over the offensive load when Mathias Pedersen entered a couple of slumps, finishing as our best scorer (9 goals). He also was the most frequent man of the match in the whole division (7 times). What is there to say except "thank you sir"!

    submitted by /u/LeSygneNoir
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    Took a back seat and let my assistant take this game, a 2-0 win. Very proud.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:14 AM PST

    What do they want

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST


    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:19 AM PST

    Some of the perks when managing Monaco

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:26 PM PST

    Starting my journeyman as Big Sam.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST

    Fans are gonna have a tough time choosing the goal of the season

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:45 AM PST

    Lionel Messi went for that MLS money

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST

    I’ve developed a system at Where I scout the best players from the best U20 and U19 national teams.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:45 PM PST

    Unless they are snapped up by PSG or Man City, I can pretty much afford them. My problem is, I scout them based off of their value, which makes finding defensive talent harder. How do I know what would be a 170+ defensive player?

    submitted by /u/alexgt2030
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    2020 Euro Results in my Save Were a Bit Weird

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:17 PM PST

    One on Ones are Hilariously Bad

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:18 PM PST

    In 2 of my last 3 games one of the goalkeepers on either side has had over a 8.0 rating. My current save is with Celta Vigo and Iago Aspas (16 finishing) missed 4 "clear cut chances" one on one with the keeper. And Atletico Madrid, who I was playing in my last match, had 6 "clear cut chances " and the final score was 1-0. What's the point in having a good striker if the odds of scoring a one on one are the same as getting struck by lighting on the way to buying a winning lottery ticket.

    submitted by /u/CentreStable
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    Is an E better then a F?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:20 PM PST

    Just A Goal | One Player Down, Then This Happened

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:31 PM PST

    Two matches to go and an incredibly close title race in the Bundesliga

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    I have reached peak managerial success!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:53 PM PST

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